(From the archives of Dream Scope)
Thoughts on….On your way to win the world.
1.Make the small decisions with your head; the big ones with your heart. Your heart is the compass that points to your happiness.
2.Decide what it is you will never do. It’s hard to decide exactly what you will do. Maybe it's not possible; perhaps your goals may change. Improve your chances of a good decision by telling yourself what you absolutely will not do. Minimizes your chances of unhappiness - of finding yourself in a job that you hate, that goes nowhere.
3.Take responsibility for your own happiness. In your hearts, you know - or you will know - what it will take to make you happy. You are responsible for getting there. Your happiness is too valuable to surrender to someone else.
4.Prepare yourself to get lucky. Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. All of you here will get opportunities in life. You’ll get chances to make your own luck. If you're prepared.
5.Pursue failure. It’s the only way to achieve meaningful success. I’ve been successful in my pursuit of failure - several times. A genius is a person who makes the same mistake. Once. You won't know your limits till you crash up against them.
6.Don’t look back. Life is too short to spend it gazing into the rear-view mirror. You’ll make mistakes; if you obsess over them, you'll keep making them.
7.Ask dumb questions. The "what if" question is the best question of all. A great question is at least as valuable as a great answer. It’s how you get to create world-changing ideas.
8.Avoid moderation. Be hot, or cold, but not lukewarm. Nothing succeeds like excess. And only abuse your bodies on the weekend.
9.Turn your peaks into a plateau. For all of us, there are times and places when we're right in the zone. For most people, these occasions are rare and unpredictable. We use so little of our capacity for so much that is so important - work, family, love.
10.One final thought. The words that sum up my life; nothing is impossible. Believe it.