Thursday, August 9, 2007

Random Thoughts

How many times have you heard beauty pagent winners say, "Oh my friends sent my photos for the competition....I had no idea whatsoever..." Or "my friends said that I should be a they sent my photos....without my knowledge....they thought I would be terrific and recommended my name...."

If you are someone who is familiar with sites like Fropper and Orkut then you should be familiar with this phrase in mails that you receive from the opposite sex: "My friends think i have a sense of humor....they think I am energetic (i swear i got that one in my mailbox today)....they say I am a terrific guy and that I am intelligent, smart and goodlooking...." I am saying....Morons don't you'll have brains that functions? Can't you'll think for your ownself....?

Well there is more to this than meets the eye...I think as a society we have been brought up to feel guilty and ashamed to express any kind of sentiments or thoughts that would make us believe that we are good, beautiful, an acheiver, sensible, smart, a winner etc...Others can say it, but you can't and shouldn't. They make you feel guilty for being ambitious...if say your aim in life is to make money or be rich they think you are materialistic...or if you say, i want to be a beauty queen then you are viewed as beauty with no brains....If you do voice your ambitios or say nice things about yourse you are considered a horrible pompous what do you do, you cook up friends...imaginary friends that would be your mouthpiece...they would say all the things that you want said about you, do all the things that you want to do...if you win you take the credit and if you lose they take the the same time, your golden halo remains intact.

I just want to hear one beauty queen say honestly, "Yes I sent my own photos to the beauty pagent...i want to win it...make pots of money...and get into movies...AND that doesn't make me either dumb or stupid."
Then I can die happily.

Why do Indian newsreaders scream the news on our tellies instead of read the news. There is a stiff competition between Rajdeep Sardesai, Arnab, and numerous journos on Headlines Today, CNN IBN, TIMES NOW, and NDTV as to who can scream the best.....Since all these guys are good at aping the western television, they should try and copy the newscasters of CNN and BBC....they don't scream the news they READ the news...and we can understand just fine.


There should be a law that imposes penalty on all journalists who commit the following crimes:
1. Those who believe that interviewing is only about asking questions and not about listening to the answers.
2. Those who think the only way one can be a top journalist in this country is by screaming down the person you are interviewing.
3. Those who never let the other person get even a word in...
4. Those who prompt...hmmm...hmmmm...hmmmm...during an interview. There is especially one journo in TIMES NOW...who drives me crazy with her nasal...hmmmm...hmm..hmm...Oh for chrissake...didn't they teach you in journalism college to shut your freaking mouth and not make a sound when the other person is speaking...
5. All newscasters who think it is fashionable to read news without punctuation marks.......
there's more to come...

Have you notice how our so called talk-show/walk show tigers turn into purring cats when they interview beautiful women from Bollywood...? Why?


I recently read that a mother and her youngest son together killed the older son because the latter was an alcoholic and an abusive one to boot....why didn't someone tell them about AA....that would've been a more suitable way to deal with alcoholics in the house...
